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The Art of Pilates Teacher Training Program

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The Art of Pilates Studio
Via Carroccio 4, 20123 Milan, Italy
Website: http://theartofpilates.com/
Phone: +39.02.58114867
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Once you have passed the admission test, you can access the training course for Pilates teachers, organized in three "stages".

First stage, basic level

  • basic level seminar lasting three days
  • 5 hours of individual lessons to be carried out with the teacher trainer of the reference school
  • 250 hours of practical training to be carried out in the authorized center
  • basic level test including an oral / practical exam

Second internship, intermediate level

  • intermediate level seminar lasting three days
  • 5 hours of individual lessons to be carried out with the reference teacher trainer
  • 250 hours of internship to be carried out in the authorized center
  • intermediate level test comprising a written exam and an oral / practical exam

Third stage, advanced level

  • advanced level seminar supported by a "Master Trainer" lasting two / three days
  • 5 hours of individual lessons to be carried out with the teacher trainer of the reference school
  • 200 hours of internship to be carried out in the authorized center
  • final test comprising three written exams and an oral / practical exam.

The training seminars
are compulsory and are held by highly qualified teachers, thanks to years of experience in the field of training, and officially authorized by the Roman Kryzanowska school. The advanced seminar is normally chaired by Sari Meja Santo, the school's only “Masters Instructors”.

The 5 hours of individual lessons included in each stage are important for the continuation of the student's preparation in the more advanced levels, necessary for the completion of the training.

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