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Beyond Pilates Teacher Training Program

Beyond Pilates Teacher Training Program Banner

Address: 100-1727 West Broadway Street
Vancouver, BC
V6J 4W6 | Canada
Phone: 778-997-4211
Emailinfo@beyondpilates.ca or teachertraining@beyondpilates.ca
Register: How do I Enroll Link

I am so proud and excited to offer and present to you Beyond Pilates Teacher Training ProgramsThis program comprises almost 950 hours of instruction, practice, and rigorous training. Students are taught classical Pilates and study every exercise on every piece of equipment in-depth.

Beyond Pilates is the culmination of a very long process and represents what I have learned and accumulated over my long career as both a classical Pilates teacher and practitioner, as well as a professional dancer and choreographer. 

The animating spirit of the Beyond Pilates Teacher Training Programs is a powerful desire to share the legacy and knowledge passed on to me over the years by all my mentors, specifically Jay Grimes and Vintage Pilates, and to open doors to new physical understanding through the dynamic practice created by Joseph Pilates.

I sincerely hope you will find these programs as enriching as it was for me to develop them.

With all my love,


When Is It?

Our 18-month Teacher Training program is divided into two basic components -- Theory and Practical. 

Under the close guidance and mentorship of a senior BP teacher, you will gain a cumulative understanding of the Pilates method. A gradual progression in complexity will help you build a significant body of knowledge, which you will then put into practice in the studio. Our goal is to create skilled and confident practitioners, who can inspire their clients with the exercises and the philosophy based on the original classical Pilates method.

The program comprises almost 950 hours of instruction, practice, and rigorous training. Students are taught classical Pilates and study every exercise on every piece of equipment in-depth.  

The course theory modules are designed to be held over eight weekends:

Friday: 3 pm to 7 pm

2022 Dates

BPTT Module 4
January 28-29-30

BPTT Module 1
March 4-5-6

BPTT Module 2
April 8-9-10

BPTT Module 3
May 12-13-14

BPTT Module 4
June 17-18-19

Email teachertraining@beyondpilates.ca for any inquiries.




Who should attend?
To be admitted into Beyond Pilates Teacher Training Program you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Pass the practice performance assessment at an intermediate to advanced level in both Mat and Reformer.  

  2. Be free of injury, be a minimum 8 months postpartum and have a strong understanding and practical knowledge of the classical Joseph Pilates repertoire.

If you are not yet at a strong intermediate level in Pilates, but want to enroll in the training program, you may wish to consider upgrading your skill and knowledge level via a Beyond Pilates pre-apprenticeship. Please contact the program director for more information.

Cost Breakdown

  • Tuition fees
  • Application/ Administration fee: $150
  • Interview/ Evaluation fee: $300
  • Course Tuition: $11.000.00 (includes studio internship, reading material, written exam fee, mentor meetings). 
  • Lesson Cost: Cost will vary according to the type of lessons you choose or teachers. 
  • Reading Material: $250 approximately.
  • Exams Fee: $2500
  • Total cost not including lesson cost is: $11,000.00 
  • Note: Fees are priced in Canadian Dollars, plus GST @ 5%.
  • Payment plans are available, please see the Program Director.
  • Please Note: Certification will be awarded upon the successful completion of the requirements for each individual program offered. 


About Noam Gagnon

Noam Gagnon, with over thirty years of client focused instruction and teacher training, is the owner and creator of, as well as the driving force behind Beyond Pilates. Dedicated to the principles of expertise, empathy and trust, Beyond Pilates is the accumulation of a very long process and represents everything Noam has learned over his career as a dancer,choreographer and teacher.

Noam began studying the Pilates Method in 1987 and after an intensive 1600+ hours of training received his first teaching certification in 2003 from the The Pilates Center of Boulder Colorado, North America's leading Pilates teacher training programme. Noam's years of experience in the Pilates Method, combined with his experience in dance performing, teaching movement and choreography, prompted him to found Beyond Pilates in Vancouver, Canada in 2005.

His teacher training programme for Pilates instructors followed in 2006. Noam began studying the Franklin Method in 2011, graduating after a three year programme in 2015 as a Franklin Movement Educator Level 3. In 2016 Noam graduated from the year long Pilates Masters Program at Vintage Pilates in Los Angeles,California where he studied with Jay Grimes, a first generation teacher who was taught by Joseph and Clara Pilates.

Noam Gagnon is an acclaimed dance artist who, over the course of his career, has helped lead Canadian dance to the forefront of the international stage. Artistic Director of Vision Impure, a satellite company of The Holy Body Tattoo, Noam has created work that has received both critical and audience acclaim in Canada, the United States, Europe, Australia and Asia. He has performed independently for many of Canada’s and Europe’s leading choreographers. Noam is an Associate Dance Artist of Canada’s National Arts Centre.



Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Beyond Pilates

About Beyond Pilates Studio

With over thirty years of client focused instruction and teacher training, Noam Gagnon is the owner and creator of, as well as the driving force, behind Beyond Pilates. Noam's many years of experience in the Pilates Method, dance performing, teaching movement and choreography prompted him to found Beyond Pilates in the heart of downtown Vancouver, Canada in 2005. Beyond Pilates recently relocated to a bright freshly renovated studio space at street level just outside the downtown core in the more centrally located and more easily accessed South Granville Fairview neighbourhood. With the new space comes new opportunities and new possibilities.

Beyond Pilates
Suite 100 - 1727 West Broadway
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6J 4W6

Phone: (778) 997-4211
Email: noam@beyondpilates.ca
Website: www.beyondpilates.ca

Follow Them On Social Media
Facebook: Beyond Pilates/Noam Gagnon | Instagram: beyondpilates.ca & noamgagnon | Twitter: Beyond_Pilates

Gratz Featured Studio
December 2018


2022 - 2023 Pilates Events and Teacher Training Programs
Do you have an upcoming event, workshop or conference? Do you have a teacher training program or seminar?

We will post your scheduled programs and events on our event page and in our monthly newsletter.
Email info@gratzindustries.com for more information.