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Pure Pilates Studio Dubai | Featured Studio Series

Pure Pilates Studio Dubai

April 2015 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates


  • Pure Pilates Studio Dubai | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pure Pilates Studio Dubai | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pure Pilates Studio Dubai | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pure Pilates Studio Dubai | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pure Pilates Studio Dubai | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pure Pilates Studio Dubai | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pure Pilates Studio Dubai | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pure Pilates Studio Dubai | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pure Pilates Studio Dubai | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pure Pilates Studio Dubai | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series



"Over the years I have learned the importance of each and every apparatus and the magic it holds in changing a body. Through my mentor Jay Grimes, I have learned to use all the amazing pieces that Joseph created to pick the exercises that the client needs. As each exercise needs to be executed with precision in order to have the desired effect, I consider it extremely important to have equipment that was deigned for the work. Joseph’s designs didn't need improving, and Gratz knows it!"

PURE Pilates Studio Dubai




PURE is located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Our studio is 2000 square feet and enjoys fantastic views over a racecourse and TECOM, and area of high risers. The airy studio includes four reformers and five high mats, and one each of the rest of the equipment including the stunning guillotine. We have small mat and reformer group classes with most sessions being independent work hours for the clients like back in Joe’s studio. We encourage self sufficiency from the beginning and that includes being familiar with the Gratz apparatus and being able to use it safely. As each body is different and needs different exercises, we try to stay away from choreographed classes where the teacher has to teach generically. We consider the work to be corrective exercise and in order to deliver that, the emphasis in on individual workouts. Once people get more comfortable on the apparatus, they start to enjoy their independence allowing teachers to use their time on observing and giving individual corrections!



At PURE, we have two teachers currently, myself and a fantastic apprentice Lauren Rennie. She has been studying the method with me for the past five years. I believe that Pilates cannot be taught in books or big groups, nor should it be divided into modules and levels. To truly learn the work, you have to absorb it! Doing your own work is very important as you are teaching people how to feel and if you don't have the feeling in your body, you cannot teach it. I make sure I get on all the apparatus every week so my body continues to feel!

I have been very fortunate to find a teacher who has guided me into the art of teaching. I completed the Masters program under Jay Grimes in 2014. After completing The Work, I was invited to continue the mentorship through 2015-16. Learning from the incredible First Generation teacher has taught me so much and I feel that it is my responsibility to keep the work alive to the best of my ability.



PURE was born from a strong love and dedication to the original work of Joseph Pilates. After more than a decade of teaching the method, I decided that it was time to open a place that would stay true to the work and make it possible to share the incredible method to a wider audience. For me that meant first and foremost having Gratz equipment, working in a fully equipped studio that allows me to use the method the way it was intended. Over the years I have learned the importance of each and every apparatus and the magic it holds in changing a body. Through my mentor Jay Grimes, I have learned to use all the amazing pieces that Joseph created to pick the exercises that the client needs. As each exercise needs to be executed with precision in order to have the desired effect, I consider it extremely important to have equipment that was deigned for the work. Joseph’s designs didn't need improving, and Gratz knows it!!


Instructors: Susanna Foustok and Lauren Rennie (apprentice teacher) 




19th floor Office 19C3-4 I-Rise Tower Tecom
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Phone: +971 4 2767658
Email: info@purepilatesdubai.com
Website: www.purepilatesdubai.com


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Images provided by PURE Pilates Studio Dubai


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