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Gratz Featured Studio Series | Anthony Rabara Pilates Studio

Anthony Rabara Pilates Studio

August 2012 | Princeton, New Jersey


  • Anthony Rabara Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Anthony Rabara Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Anthony Rabara Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Anthony Rabara Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Anthony Rabara Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Anthony Rabara Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Anthony Rabara Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series


"When Romana asked me to teach with her in the early 80’s, it was Gratz equipment that we used. I feel Gratz is still the company of choice."

- Anthony Rabara, Owner and Instructor
Anthony Rabara Pilates Studio



Anthony left the New York studio in 1987 and opened his studio in Princeton. Its current location is 392 Wall Street, Princeton, NJ 08540, in Research Park on Route 206. Since his move to Princeton, he has taught movement courses in local colleges and preparatory schools. As a recognized member of the Pilates community, he has led support groups in fibromyalgia and worked with wellness practitioners and other certified Pilates studios in many parts of the country.

Anthony’s studio is a vibrant place to work. Few studios in the country have every piece of Pilates equipment - from the smallest 5 inch apparatus to the largest apparatus 10 feet tall. Because Anthony’s commitment is to preserve and teach Pilates as it was originally created and passed to Romana, each client will receive only the purest form of the Pilates method, whether in a mat class or an apparatus class.



Anthony Rabara has taught the Pilates method since 1983, and is a Master Teacher with Romana’s Pilates. He was introduced to the Pilates studio in 1979 because of a dance related injury, rehabilitated and was asked by Romana Kryzanowska (Joe Pilates’ successor) to help her teach. At the time the Pilates studio was located near Carnegie Hall on West 56th St. It was a time before Pilates text books and videos when each instructor learned all the exercises on all the equipment and had to execute them on a high proficiency level. The studio then moved to the ‘East Side’ and it was there that the first Pilates certification began. Anthony was one of the eight who were the first to certify in the Pilates method in the mid-1980’s: documented by videotape, Romana conducted each instructor through the hundreds of exercises that are in the Pilates syllabus.

Anthony holds an M.A. degree in Dance, a B.A. in Music, and has danced professionally in the United States and Europe for 15 years. He is Red Cross certified and safety is a strong component in his and his teachers’ daily teaching. He continues to work with Romana and trains students who are enrolled in the Teacher’s Certification Program through Romana’s Pilates, Inc.

A special thanks to those who participated in the video. They include teachers: Anthony Rabara, Nancy Warner, Sharon Michels, & Kaaron Ross.

Apprentices: Valerie Veith, Yahel Herzog, Sungha Hung, & Senta Kreiger.



Anthony Rabara Pilates Studio is a fully Gratz equipped studio, giving you the complete Pilates experience. So in addition to studying on the Mat, you’ll have access to the full system of apparatus. They only use high-quality authentic Gratz Pilates equipment, constructed with Joseph Pilates’ original designs and dimensions. From Anthony’s many years of experience, Gratz apparatus has proven to give the best results.


Gratz Pilates - Anthony Rabara Pilates Studio - Featured Studio Video





392 Wall Street
Princeton, New Jersey 08540

Phone: (609) 921-7990
Email: rabarapilates@comcast.net
Website: www.rabarapilates.com

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