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Pilates In Paradise | Featured Studio Series

Pilates In Paradise

January 2016 | Florida Locations: Ocean Reef, Key Largo, Islamorada & Marathon 


  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Pilates In Paradise, Islamorada Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Purchased for the studio by our dear friend Mari Winsor during one of her visits

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Ocean Reef Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Ocean Reef Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Ocean Reef Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Ocean Reef Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Ocean Reef Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Ocean Reef Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Ocean Reef Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Ocean Reef Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Ocean Reef Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Ocean Reef Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Ocean Reef Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Ocean Reef Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Key Largo Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Key Largo Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Key Largo Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Key Largo Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Key Largo Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Key Largo Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Key Largo Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Key Largo Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Islamorada Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Islamorada Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Islamorada Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Islamorada Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Islamorada Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Islamorada Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Islamorada Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Islamorada Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Islamorada Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Marathon Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Marathon Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Marathon Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Marathon Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Marathon Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Marathon Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Marathon Location

  • Pilates In Paradise | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series

    Marathon Location



"I chose to use Gratz because it is the original designs of Joseph Pilates developed by him for his work. His exercises were developed specifically for his designs and his apparatus. I had used "other" apparatus a few times before I had made my original purchase and it just didn't feel the same. The work changed. The depth changed. The energy of the movement changed. The stability and integrity of the Gratz apparatus mirrors the same qualities of Contrology. The history, legacy and longevity of Gratz is what I am attracted to."

Christi Allen, Studio Owner
Pilates In Paradise




Pilates in Paradise is located in the Florida Keys. The Florida Keys are a long string of islands (spanning 120 miles) off the southern tip of Florida. There are over 80 islands connected by over 40 bridges. We have only 75,000 full time residents, but will entertain over 3 million visitors, including our seasonal residents. Pilates in Paradise has 4 locations, Ocean Reef, Key Largo, Islamorada, and Marathon. The studios are 30-45 miles apart. Each studio has a completely different look and feel. The Ocean Reef studio is the most northern studio located in a private "member only", gated, self-sustaining community and 95% of the business is Nov-April. The Key Largo Studio is the largest of all the studios, and is considered the "Home Studio". The Key Largo studio is the original studio which started in 2002. Islamorada is the newest addition as of 2013. This studio was originally an art gallery that was converted to a studio. It has lots of "Keys Charm" and a water view. The Marathon location is the smallest studio, being able to see private clients only.

Technically, the birth of "Pilates in Paradise" happened organically. I didn't set out to open a Pilates Studio. No business plan. No long term goal. Just a girl thinking she would have a place to teach Mat classes. Circumstances presented themselves to where I needed to make rent on a lease term and coincidentally was studying the true classical pilates method in NYC. I fell in love with the Method. I have this drive to share what I love. I want to help people, help themselves. I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit and a "no fear of failing" attitude. So over time, I was able to purchase more and more Gratz apparatus. I operated only one studio for 9 years, growing to multiple teachers and becoming a training studio for Romana's Pilates, before expanding. The economic crash (and the BP Oil Spill) was the driving force for expansion (that and people do not like to drive outside a 5-10 miles radius). Too many teachers, too little clients. So, we expanded to Ocean Reef and Marathon in 2010. The clientele was anxious for a location in Islamorada, and the opportunity presented itself in 2013.



I am Christi Allen, owner of Pilates in Paradise. Late 2001, I was working at the Ocean Reef Club at the "Member's Fitness Center" working as a personal trainer, nutrition specialist and teaching Mat Pilates (was a "gym-pilates" instructor with a weekend certification). Some wonderful lady took my class and made sure to tell my boss that "I was not teaching Pilates". He brought this to my attention, I questioned what he was saying, but did some research (Up until then my only exposure to Pilates was through a gym I was working at in Orlando). That was when I discovered the history and lineage of Joseph Pilates and Romana Kryzanowska. A dear woman (who is still a client today), brought me Brooke Siler's book, "The Pilates Body", and told me to read it. I was on my way to learning Classical Pilates! I immediately wanted to have this knowledge and started the process of studying to enter the certification program with Romana in NYC (at that time is was Pilates Inc). Another client connected me with Bridget Hagood in Miami for me to start studying under. Summer time came and the clients went north. A yoga teacher asked if I wanted to share space in Key Largo for the summer so we could both continue to teach what we loved. I said yes! We signed a lease and we were off and running. The yoga teacher left 5 months later. I was left with an open studio space, I was an apprentice with Romana's Pilates, and I had a drive not to fail. So as soon as I could, I purchased my first Gratz apparatus (a reformer and a tower unit) and created, "Pilates in Paradise". I completed the program in 2004, finishing with Tonka Cascais as my "home teacher". For 1 1/2 years I commuted to Ft. Lauderdale to work for Tonka 3 days a week and taught at my Key Largo studio 3 days a week. That time was essential for me so I was not a "new teacher" left alone on my island and alone in my studio. Due to a heavy hurricane season putting Tonka's studio under water, I was given the opportunity to put all my effort into the growth of Pilates in Paradise. With a thirst for knowledge and a deeper understanding of The Work, I continue to study with amazing teachers, including those in my own studios. Not only do I make a point of bringing a variety of classical guest teachers down to play with us, but I have been especially blessed with the most amazing teachers as part of my team. All of us are certified by Romana's Pilates. We all come from different places, with different backgrounds, different styles, different insights but share the same Classical, Authentic Pilates training. The success of my business depends on the strength of my team. Because we are a "small" operation, we all wear many hats. We share duties, clients, lessons and the love of Pilates.



I chose to use Gratz because it is the original designs of Joseph Pilates developed by him for his work. His exercises were developed specifically for his designs and his apparatus. I had used "other" apparatus a few times before I had made my original purchase and it just didn't feel the same. The work changed. The depth changed. The energy of the movement changed. The stability and integrity of the Gratz apparatus mirrors the same qualities of Contrology. The history, legacy and longevity of Gratz is what I am attracted to.

This apparatus has been essential in changing people's bodies. The large pieces to the smallest pieces have given life back to many. Because the apparatus is paired with a method developed specially for this apparatus, it makes the work effective and efficient providing quick, lasting results.


Pilates In Paradise | Christi Allen


"From the beginning of my classical Pilates journey, I have sought out authenticity and lineage. Gratz offers both of those. Gratz has a long proven record of quality and authenticity." - Christi Allen


Pilates In Paradise | Kerri Bender


"I am very glad to be teaching at Pilates in Paradise, where all studios are equipped with Gratz apparatus. I always feel prepared to keep clients very safe, while delivering Authentic Pilates instruction. As an Instructor Trainer with Romana's Pilates, all apprentices are also well prepared in their training to do the same. I'm also very grateful for the support of Gratz Pilates, as they have provided me with apparatus to volunteer instruction to injured United States military veterans and special needs clients at Island Dolphin Care, a non-profit organization providing dolphin therapy in Key Largo, FL." - Kerri Bender


Pilates In Paradise | Nicole Alvarez


"I travel often as a classically trained seasonal instructor and manage to train and take lessons on various types of Pilates equipment. Gratz equipment is that perfect partner for all body types. If you want to dig deeper into your powerhouse, use a POWERHOUSE piece of equipment" - Nicole Alvarez


Pilates In Paradise | Norma Jean Nolan


"What I love about Gratz is that it makes my job easier. I get quicker results for my clients when they work on this apparatus. The springs have the correct amount of resistant to support and help the client achieve the ultimate potential of each exercise, thus attaining the ultimate result." - Norma Jean Nolan


Pilates In Paradise | Jim Buckley


"In a busy studio, Gratz apparatus stands up to the many hard hours demanded of it. Maintenance and repairs are easy and parts are accessible. A little TLC goes a long way in prolonging the long life of such a good investment" - Jim Buckley




Ocean Reef
31 Ocean Reef Dr., C-300
Key Largo, Florida 33037

Key Largo
103400 Overseas Hwy, Suite 255
Key largo, Florida 33037

87951 Overseas Hwy
Islamorada, Florida 33036

5800 Overseas Hwy
Marathon, Florida 33037



Mailing Address:
31 Ocean Reef Dr C101, #211
Key Largo, FL 33037

Phone: (305) 453-0801
Email: info@pilatesinparadise.net
Website: www.pilatesinparadise.net

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Images provided by Pilates In Paradise


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