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True Pilates Korea | Featured Studio Series

True Pilates Korea

January 2017 | Seoul, Korea


  • True Pilates Korea | January 2017 Gratz Featured Studio
  • True Pilates Korea | January 2017 Gratz Featured Studio
  • True Pilates Korea | January 2017 Gratz Featured Studio
  • True Pilates Korea | January 2017 Gratz Featured Studio
  • True Pilates Korea | January 2017 Gratz Featured Studio
  • True Pilates Korea | January 2017 Gratz Featured Studio
  • True Pilates Korea | January 2017 Gratz Featured Studio



"As it is acknowledged, if he/she completely control his/her body and movement with repeated exercises, he/she is steadily and spontaneously having harmonized rhythm and balance. Thanks to these two elements, he/she is experiencing balanced flexibility and instinctive and elegant movement in daily life."

- Yookyung Ha, Studio owner, Chief instructor
True Pilates Korea
True Pilates Korea Association




I opened my studio in 2008 with Pilates apparatus from Gratz. I have created a program that uses Classical Pilates for rehabilitation and it’s customized to each of my client’s condition. I realized early on that it’s almost impossible to standardize any Classical Pilates exercise program because we all have different body shapes and physical conditions.

My role as the certified instructor is to clarify the body shape, physical condition, illness, and dynamic movement of each client and specifically design the exercise program for each one. So, it’s priceless when my clients thanked me when their physical conditions, flexibility and movements are ameliorated.

Romana once told me she was always learning something from her clients.

I have learned to understand my clients’ occupation or job just by looking at how they sit in a chair or by their walk. During my instructor training at Romana’s Pilates New York I had a section of occupational clusters to solve. Now, I am able to compile statistics of occupational clusters of my clients.



I started learning classical dance, Korean traditional dance and ballet as a child and continued to practice into my twenties. I’m always thinking about the movement because what I did was exceeding flexibility. I always worried about muscle injuries.

I was first introduced to Pilates and the apparatus in 2004 in Japan. I met a lady in Japan and she introduced me to Romana’s Pilates in US and in Australia. Then I decided to learn Romana’s Pilates in New York.

The more I practiced Pilates and the more I was able to have comprehensive control over my body and have perfectly natural balance with my inner strength without any muscle injuries.

When I successfully completed their “Instructor Training Program” I founded my own studio, “True Pilates Korea” in Korea in 2008.

I work with lots of clients who needs physical help to control and rehabilitate their own bodies. Also, I’ve been training wonderful students who wanted to become qualified pilates instructor. So far, I have been practicing Pilates for 8 years at my studio and I’m looking forward to getting to a new level at Romana’s Pilates.



Thank you Gratz. I’ve been able to successfully accomplish all my work and assignments. I personally think Gratz apparatus is perfectly optimized for the human body. As I’m instructing my clients, I can tell how wonderfully designed the apparatus is for their body.






Nabi Tower 3rd Fl.
5, Seocho-daero 58-gil, Seocho-gu
Seoul 06632, Korea

Phone: 82-2-522-3422
Email: truepilates@naver.com
Website: www.truepilates.co.kr

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