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Pureformance Pilates Studio | Featured Studio Series

Pureformance Pilates Studio

May 2015 | Tempe, Arizona


  • Pureformance Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pureformance Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pureformance Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pureformance Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pureformance Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pureformance Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pureformance Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pureformance Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pureformance Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pureformance Pilates Studio | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series



"Gratz equipment to me is the most authentic to what Joseph Pilates intended. For example, the springs are tensioned perfectly so you do the work, versus the springs doing the work for you. Having trained on the different brands, there is no equivalent out there. It is an investment, but one worth making for my clients and it sets my studio apart from the rest."


- Wendi Cunningham, Owner and Instructor




PUREformance Pilates Studio is located in a remarkably quiet oasis like enclave in the busy city of Tempe, Arizona. Centrally located west of the 101 on McClintock Drive, just south of Warner Road, the address is 9030 S. McClintock Drive, Ste. 102, Tempe, AZ 85284. On the corner of an eclectic assortment of health and beauty businesses, the studio's outside walls are all glass, allowing for natural light and a Zen like atmosphere.

I was compelled to open my studio as a natural progression of my passion for Pilates. It was a matter of finding that perfect situation where my clients were supportive and the space itself had the right energy and flow to it. I knew this was the exact right space for the studio when I saw it. That it all came together in a perfectly synergistic way further impressed upon me that this was the right time and place.


<iframe width="800" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Y0BcZzsGYEA?list=PLgT92riDDIfIbnbUxfpI53EqU54mNf1bj" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 




I was an athlete throughout my youth and early adulthood. I graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelors of Science degree in Exercise Science/Physiology and furthered my quest for great health by working with cardiovascular surgeons, coaching a US dive team, and was on the USTA SoCal Tennis Championship team from San Diego. Along the way I married and had four, amazing children. But those everyday miracles left my body in bad shape. After multiple surgeries, I feared I would never live without pain again. That's when I found Pilates and it changed my life and outlook. I had hope that I could work through all the physical baggage and be active and alive again. I devoured instruction and what really impacted me was reading Joseph Pilates' books. Contrology, as he called the exercises he developed, were light years ahead of its time and his words resonated deeply within me. I knew enough about the human body and its mechanics to know he really had it right. So I sought out the best teachers that were teaching Joseph Pilates’ method, which lead me to my mentor, Chris Robinson.  It was through Chris and other high level instructors that I realized my gift is guiding people and instructing them in Pilates. I have found my passion. I don’t even feel like I am working and my clients sense this as well.

I recently had my grand opening, which included hosting workshops with Chris Robinson for clients and instructors. PUREformance Pilates has more workshops planned in the near future. I also attend Pilates workshops throughout the United States, train in San Diego with Chris on a regular basis and have trained with Brooke Siler a few times while in New York. I recently attended the Pilates Core workshop in Chicago and got to attend teaching sessions with many great instructors.

Outside of my Pilates life, my daughters and I volunteer with National Charity League. I like to hike the mountains near our house and spend a lot of time watching my four active teenagers play volleyball, soccer, football and wrestling. As the studio grows, I look forward to partnering with a locally based, national non-profit that helps to empower young women.



Gratz equipment to me is the most authentic to what Joseph Pilates intended. For example, the springs are tensioned perfectly so you do the work, versus the springs doing the work for you. Having trained on the different brands, there is no equivalent out there. It is an investment, but one worth making for my clients and it sets my studio apart from the rest. I have clients that have trained elsewhere with me not knowing the different manufacturers or anything about them, and they immediately felt the difference in quality on Gratz. The smoothness of the carriage allows you to control your movements, which makes you work harder, firing off more muscle groups and allowing you to get deeper into your core. The quality of the equipment improves the quality of the work, which equals greater results. As one of the very few, if not only, exclusive Gratz equipment studios in Arizona, I feel it lends credibility to my small boutique experience.

I use Gratz equipment because I want to be true as possible to the original teachings of Joseph Pilates. To use the very best equipment available gives my boutique studio an advantage over franchised Pilates and run of the mill studios that are keen on incorporating some Pilates methodology, without a deep knowledge of Contrology and Joseph Pilates’ revolutionary beliefs. Gratz allows me to give the very best instruction possible with the greatest benefits.


Wendi Cunningham, Owner/Instructor 

Wendi Cunningham, Owner/Instructor 





9030 South McClintock Drive Ste 102
Tempe, Arizona 85284

Phone: (602) 377-0604
Website: www.PUREformancepilates.com


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