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Pilates Unlimited | Featured Studio Series

Pilates Unlimited

November 2011 | Takapuna Beach, Auckland, New Zealand


  • Pilates Unlimited | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • Pilates Unlimited | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series


"We believe when teaching Romana's Pilates, the work and equipment go hand-in-hand."

- Carole Fraser, Owner & Instructor
Pilates Unlimited



Pilates Unlimited opened its door in 2000, and is now a well established studio located at Takapuna Beach, Auckland, New Zealand. The studio is fully equipped with Gratz equipment imported from New York. Pilates Unlimited offers the true teachings of Joseph Pilates and they are dedicated to bringing their clients authentic, safe and efficient Pilates instruction. In 2008 they became a Training Center enabling people in New Zealand to be able to train in the highest level of certification "Romana's Pilates" Independent Instructor Program. Also over the last few years Instructors from other studios have visited Pilates Unlimited - they include Cynthia Lochard, Jerome Weinberg, Noel Chase, Zoe Greco, Tamika Walker, Zanzi Mann, Kristen Zehnder, and Lea Francis. "We really enjoy having teachers visit the studio and it was a real pleasure in 2004 when Romana came to visit," says Carole.



Owned and operated by Carole Fraser, this studio has become one of finest in New Zealand, in great part because of its high quality instruction. The Team at Pilates Unlimited include Harriette Blackman, Ray Medemblik, Carole Fraser, Laiza Lima, and Lizzie Kumar who are all certified Romana's Pilates Instructors. You can view all of their extended biographies on the Pilate Unlimited website.

Carole's background is in Marketing & Advertising. She has always had an interest in Health & Fitness and came to Pilates Unlimited as a client in 2000. It was in that time while learning the method Carole decided that not only did she love doing the workouts but that she wanted to become an Authentic Pilates Instructor. In 2001 Carole started her training and was trained under Cynthia Lochard - master Teacher Trainer & Grand Master Teacher Romana Kryzanowska, she completed her Authentic Pilates Instructor. In 2001, Carole started her training and was trained under Cynthia Lochard - Master Teacher Trainer & Grand Master Teacher Romana Kryzanowska, she completed her Authentic Pilates Certification under Romana at the Seattle Training Center. After working as an instructor at Pilates Unlimited for six years in 2007 Carole became the proud owner of Pilates Unlimited. In March 2010, the studio celebrated 10 years - Carole says: "I have so enjoyed the last 10 years and here's to the next!!



Pilates Unlimited is fully equipped with multiple Reformers, Cadillacs, Wall Units, High Mats, Ladder Barrels, Small Barrel, Spine Correctors, Wunda Chairs, Large Chair, Pedi Pole, Foot Corrector, Magic Circles. The studio offers the complete Pilates system of exercise equipment. They say it is a real strength of the studio to offer top quality Gratz Equipment with Romana's Pilates trained Instructors.


Gratz Pilates - Pilates Unlimited - Featured Studio Video





18 Northcroft Street
Takapuna Beach, Auckland, New Zealand

Phone: +63-2-8901286
Email: info@pilatesunlimited.co.nz
Website: www.pilatesunlimited.co.nz

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