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Prins Maurits Pilates | Featured Studio Series

Prins Maurits Pilates

November 2016 | The Netherlands


  • Prins Maurits Pilates | November 2016 Gratz Featured Studio
  • Prins Maurits Pilates | November 2016 Gratz Featured Studio
  • Prins Maurits Pilates | November 2016 Gratz Featured Studio
  • Prins Maurits Pilates | November 2016 Gratz Featured Studio
  • Prins Maurits Pilates | November 2016 Gratz Featured Studio
  • Prins Maurits Pilates | November 2016 Gratz Featured Studio
  • Prins Maurits Pilates | November 2016 Gratz Featured Studio



"It is the combination of good equipment, passionate trainers and devoted clients what gives the result.
Thank you Gratz!"

- Monique Weevers, Owner
Prins Maurits Pilates




Prins Maurits Pilates is located in a very nice neighborhood of The Hague. As this city is the political capital of the Netherlands people from all over the world visit our studio. Also the teachers are from in and outside the country and all are very passionate in what they do. Although every client is different in age and physical condition, we see that the combination of good certified teachers, motivated clients and last but not least the Gratz equipment is the best way to achieve real changes in the body.

“I opened the studio in May 2014 and my goal was to let others experience what Pilates did for me. I wanted to teach Pilates close to the source. Therefore I invested in Gratz as this equipment is true to the Method and makes a real difference to the session. Besides that I wanted the clients and teachers to work in an open and energetic space where the atmosphere is good, as I believe this also benefits the sessions and results. The studio is very light, has a ceiling of glass at the end of the room with a nice view and open doors to the garden. The clients feel very welcome and for me it feels like home!”



Our clientele includes all kind of people: from 15 years till 85 years old, men, women, healthy, injured, with or without Pilates experience. They all come in with a different story and different goals. Also the trainers have different backgrounds. At the moment there are 5 certified trainers teaching: formal dancers, a physiotherapist, geographic designer and a personal fitness trainer. I feel very privileged to work with so many nice people and to see them grow in their own way.



As I decided to open my own studio it was not hard to decide what equipment to choose. After working on different apparatus I was convinced to invest in the best there is: Gratz! To benefit the most from the Pilates Method I would recommend everyone to work with Gratz equipment. The clients who come in for the first time and trained on other apparatus also feel the difference. The combination of the optimal spring resistance, the measurements of the equipment, the quality of the material really makes a difference. As the apparatus is close to the way Joseph Pilates developed it makes the body change from the inside to the outside. And this is what Pilates is about!






Prins Mauritslaan 42
2582 LS Den Haag – The Netherlands

Phone: +31 630183433
Email: info@prinsmauritspilates.nl
Website: www.prinsmauritspilates.nl

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