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The Pilates Center At Goucher College | Featured Studio Series

The Pilates Center At Goucher College

October 2011 | Baltimore, Maryland



  • The Pilates Center At Goucher College | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • The Pilates Center At Goucher College | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • The Pilates Center At Goucher College | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • The Pilates Center At Goucher College | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • The Pilates Center At Goucher College | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series


"We chose Gratz for several reasons. First and foremost, Romana recommended Gratz the most highly. Second, the traditional Gratz machines were what I was accustom to as a student.
I knew they were built well and could withstand the wear and tear that they would receive from daily use and therefore would be a solid investment."

- Elizabeth Ahearn, Instructor
The Pilates Center at Goucher College



We are proud to feature our first collegiate Pilates studio fully equipped with Gratz apparatus. The Pilates Center at Goucher College is located in Baltimore, Maryland and is a great example of what a Pilates program can bring to an educational organization. In its establishment in 1997, with Founder Elizabeth Ahearn, it became the first Romana's Pilates studio in Maryland. It has developed and held a level of excellence with current director Amelia Riley and list of talented instructors. The Pilates Center caters to a wide range of clientele including women and men, ages 16-92, from those that are challenged with MS, to those ex-dancers that just can't stop moving, and faculty to alumni who are pleased to have them on campus.

As part of Goucher College, they offer credited academic courses to all students. Located within close proximity to the dance department, many dancers take advantage of Pilates in order to build strength, stretch, and control. Wide ranges of students participate in Pilates classes from athletes, to French majors, to Biology majors. In these courses students will study the Pilates Method of Body Conditioning, posing questions for anatomical self-evaluation based on lecture/discussion, required reading, observation, and applied instruction. Special attention will be given to a series of movements performed on five major pieces of Gratz apparatus (Reformer, Cadillac, Mat, Wunda Chair, and High Chair).



Their mission is to preserve Joseph Pilates' unique system of body conditioning and to assure their clientele a safe workout by reputable and well-trained instructors certified through True Pilates New York / Romana's Pilates.

Their instructors are mostly alumni of Goucher who have earned scholarships through the college to complete their certification and in turn have come back to teach. By offering academic courses in Pilates, they are preparing students / apprentices for rigorous training at True Pilates NY, and so we believe their apprentices are the best prepared for teaching Pilates. We value the academic background that all of their instructors have including knowledge in dance, anatomy, kinesiology as well as a thirst to continuously learn more.



For Them, there is no question when it comes to Pilates equipment - Gratz is a must if you want to have an authentic Pilates studio. As a Romana's Pilates studio, they strive to give their clients an experience as close to what they would receive if they were taking a lesson back in the 1950s on 8th Avenue with Joe. Just like Joe, the equipment is sturdy and strong; they still use some pieces of apparatus that they purchased back in 1997.


Gratz Pilates - The Pilates Center At Goucher College - Featured Studio Video





1021 Dulaney Valley Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21204

Phone: (410) 337-6469
Email: pilatescenter@goucher.edu
Website: www.goucher.edu/pilates

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