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True Pilates Sydney | Featured Studio Series

True Pilates Sydney

October 2013 | Surry Hills, Australia


  • True Pilates Sydney | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • True Pilates Sydney | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • True Pilates Sydney | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • True Pilates Sydney | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series
  • True Pilates Sydney | Gratz™ Pilates Featured Studio Series


"We only have Gratz equipment because we believe there is no other brand that comes close to understanding the equipment and delivers this high end quality."

- Yung Ok Yoo, Owner & Instructor
True Pilates Sydney



Located near Central station in Sydney, we are a boutique Pilates studio that offers tailored and individual training in the traditional Pilates Method. Our classes are focused on quality of teaching and instructions to the individual clients. This ensures clients understand the correct technique and engagement of exercises to benefit and get more out of their class and reach their goal sooner. Here at True Pilates Sydney Studio our instructors are trained & certified through Romana’s Pilates® New York, the world’s leading certification body for True Pilates - Romana Krysanowska (1923- 2013) was Joseph Pilates first and foremost protege.



Our studio is fully equipped with Reformers, Barrels, a Cadillac and Chairs by Gratz™ New York, USA. We only have Gratz equipment because we believe there is no other brand that comes close to understanding the equipment and delivers this high end quality. I have always used Gratz during my training and now being a studio owner I believe it represents my branding of authenticity and quality.



“My Passion for the True Pilates method stems from my own evolution in exercise. Pilates has given me strength and discipline in body and mind” - Yung Ok Yoo

My introduction to Pilates was one that was not unusual - I had an old injury and through a friend I heard about Pilates. I was skeptical at first, as my understanding of exercise was limited. After a few months I was hooked. Pilates was everything I wanted and needed in exercise - it was fun, dynamic, both physically and mentally challenging and disciplined. It pushed my boundaries in terms of strength and focused my control in Body and Mind. Through the discovery of my own strength, I was a believer of the Method. I was so inspired by the Pilates Method, I started my Pilates apprenticeship with Cynthia Lochard at The Pilates Method, Surry Hills - where I still have my weekly sessions. At that time I was managing a restaurant and ran a small Interior decorating business customizing artworks for different buyers - commercial, corporate and residential - so my move into the exercise world was one that was serendipitous and life changing.

During my apprenticeship, I trained, observed and taught over 1000 hours. I trained in New York with Master Trainers Jerome Weinberg and Cynthia Shipley, who I still train with on my continued trips to New York. When I was last in New York in 2012- I also had the pleasure to train with Master Trainer Bob Liekens who was one of the first proteges of Romana. Through my own teachings I hope to inspire, train and educate people in the art of Pilates as I have been inspired in my own training and journey


Gratz Pilates - True Pilates Sydney - Featured Studio Video




3/ 96-102 Buckingham Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010, Australia

Phone: +61 410 552 385
Email: info@truepilatessydney.com.au
Website: www.truepilatessydney.com.au

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