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Gratz Gallery | Elaine Ewing on Scorpion

GRATZ GALLERY | Elaine Ewing

"Back Bend on the Reformer"

“You have to learn how to tense your muscles if you want to really know how to relax” -Joseph Pilates, 1963

Joseph Pilates words of wisdom from almost 60 years ago still hold the answers to our questions today. The key to fully executing the Back Bend from start to finish is practicing the balance and timing of tensing and relaxation, with spinal flexion and extension. The Back Bend can be done with the footbar up or down. 

Back Bend on Reformer Elaine Ewing

"Scorpion on the Ladder Barrel"

Scorpion is a very challenging exercise of dynamic flow. The Gratz ladder barrel offers the perfect dimensions that make this exercise most achievable. Ideally, preparation for Scorpion takes place on the Spine Corrector, Cadillac, Guillotine, and progressions on the ladder barrel.  Scorpion is also done on the reformer. 

About Elaine Ewing

Elaine is a third generation, certified Authentic Pilates teacher through the New York Pilates Studio. She has studied and practiced pilates extensively through workshops and classes taught by master teachers of the Classical Pilates Method such as Sean Gallagher, Pamela Pardi, Steve Giordano, Bob Liekens, and Leah Chaback Katz, to name a few. 
Elaine’s studio, Rhinebeck Pilates, has been in business for 17 years and has always been fully equipped with Gratz apparatus. In addition to teaching at her own studio, she also teaches twice a week at The New York Pilates Studio® in New York City. She has also taught mat classes at Jacob’s Pillow, the same place where Joseph Pilates famously taught his original mat classes.
Elaine has presented pilates workshops on Joseph Pilates’ original work at The New York Pilates Studio in NYC, True Pilates East in NYC, The Art of Control in Stamford CT, Equipoise Pilates and Wellness in NY, and at Rhinebeck Pilates. In September 2018 Elaine Ewing and Sean Gallagher created Pilates at The Pillow™, the twice yearly conference at Jacob’s Pillow and Joseph Pilates original property. It was at the inaugural conference that Elaine taught the first pilates workshop in history within Joe’s original studio in the Berkshires since Joe was alive. 
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