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Gratz Gallery | Jennifer Deluca Teaching with the Wunda Chair



Jennifer Deluca Gratz Gallery
Photo Credit: Nicole Kouri 


WUNDA CHAIR // - Side Arm Twist

"The right touch enhances your clients experience. It will make the purpose of an exercise more clear and more achievable. Grounding the thighs allows a client to find more freedom in their spine and in this case, more rotation and reach."




About Jennifer Deluca and Bodytonic

Few teachers represent the Pilates community as truthfully and fearlessly as Jennifer DeLuca.  She is the Founder, Director and CEO of BodyTonic, Inc., and a fierce advocate for preserving the legacy of Joseph H. Pilates. As a second generation Pilates teacher, certified through Romana Kryzanowska in 1996, she is part of an elite and historic lineage.  A native New Yorker, hailing originally from Queens, then Manhattan and now Brooklyn, Jennifer infamously avoids artifice and gimmick and is considered to be one of the most trusted and gifted mentors of the Pilates vanguard.  Jennifer is a lifelong student of movement, anatomy and all things related to the body.  She has training in dance through New York's prestigious High School for the Performing Arts and NYU, holds a yoga certification from the renown Cyndi Lee of OMyoga, has studied floor barre with the one and only Zena Rommett, as well as Anatomy and Kinesiology with Andre Bernard at NYU, Kinesthetic Anatomy with Irene Dowd and further Pilates Training with Roxanne Richards-Huang, Lesley Powell, Bob Liekens, and Enja Schenck.



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