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Kinaesthesis Mind Body Pilates | Featured Studio Series

Kinaesthesis Mind Body Pilates STUDIO

November 2020 | Athens, Greece

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  • “When I decided to start my own business, I chose to buy from Gratz as I had heard they were the very first manufacturers who worked closely with Romana Kryzanowska and kept the proportions as dictated by the Method's founder. Having completed my CTT using apparatus from another company, the very first time I lied down on my reformer I was in for a big surprise! I could only do half of what I used to! Gratz equipment made me work much harder and much deeper than before and helped my movements become more efficient. I get the same reaction from every single client who came from another studio and never experienced the Gratz equipment before. Not only are they sleek and beautiful, they really make you do the work!”

    - Margarita Efthymiou - Owner & Instructor
    Kinaesthesis Mind Body Pilates Studio



    Established in 2007, KINAESTHESIS Mind Body Practices is a fully equipped Classical Pilates studio that also offers Gyrotonic® and Yoga lessons. It is a big, beautiful and airy space laid out over two floors: the lower level is intended for the group classes and the top for private sessions. KINAESTHESIS comes from the Greek words kinesis (movement) and aesthesis (feeling), literally meaning "movement feeling". It is our internal sense of our body and enables us to sense what our body is doing at any given time. And there lies the secret that will really make a difference in the way we practice so we can take the benefits outside the studio into our everyday lives. And there's no better equipment than Gratz to help people really feel the movement in their bodies, to get connected, internally but also with the apparatus: the dimensions are right, the springs' resistance is such that apparatus and bodies become one.


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    KINAESTHESIS Mind Body Practices is a fully equiped Gratz Classical Pilates Studio. There is nothing that is missing from the Guillotine to the toe exerciser, from the archive reformer to the breath-a-cizer. Everything that is necessary to bring Pilates to their clients as a method for the mind, body and spirit, just the way it was intended! “When I decided to start my own business, I chose to buy from Gratz as I had heard they were the very first manufacturers who worked closely with Romana Kryzanowska and kept the proportions as dictated by the
    Method's founder.

    Having completed my CTT using apparatus from another company, the very first time I lied down on my reformer I was in for a big surprise! I could only do half of what I used to! Gratz equipment made me work much harder and much deeper than before and helped my movements become more efficient. I get the same reaction from every single client who came from another studio and never experienced the Gratz equipment before. Not only are they sleek and beautiful, they really make you do the work!

    Christina - Semicircle - Pilates from Tavis Bohlinger on Vimeo.


    About Margarita Efthymiou

    About Margarita Efthymiou

    Founder and Owner

    KINAESTHESIS Mind Body Practices is Margarita's Efthymiou 4 th child! She began her Pilates journey as a client in 2001 and completed her Comprehensive Teacher Training with Bob Liekens of Power Pilates in 2004. Since then she keeps deepening her knowledge attending workshops, teacher training programs and having sessions with some of the greatest Pilates minds around in Europe and the US. In 2015 she completed Kathi Ross Nash' THE READ THREAD. Since 2014 she also offers her own 600+ hrs C T T. Margarita only teaches privates and other teachers' groups.

    About Natasha Gerosideri

    About Natasha Gerosideri

    Margarita works together with Natasha Gerosideri, a classically trained ballet teacher who first came as a client in 2008 and later completed her training in 2014 at KINAESTHESIS. Natasha also is a level 1 Gyrotonic trainer. Natasha teaches privates, duets and groups of three.

    About Elia Zacharioudaki

    About Elia Zacharioudaki

    Elia Zacharioudaki, actress and performance artist. She loves the way Pilates, with its focus on details, inner strength, coordination and body awareness helped her liberate her movements and improved her everyday life. She completed her Comprehensive Training with Margarita in 2018 and has been working with her ever since. Clients love her for her loving demeanor but also her rigorous way of teaching.

    About Christina Kaskanea

    About Christina Kaskanea

    Last, but not least, Christina Kaskanea, Margarita's daughter, takes her first Pilates steps as an apprentice helping her mom at the studio since 2019. Teaching Pilates came naturally to her since she literally grew up in the studio, taking classes from a very young age! Despite being a very fresh teacher, the way she
    observes the moving body is remarkable and the way she connects with the clients makes her a valuable asset to the team!

    It is imperative that every teacher at KINAESTHESIS, every apprentice in the studio know that in order to convey the Pilates message to their clients must first embody all the Pilates principles themselves, in the way they practice but also in their way of teaching.


    Apostolopoulou 73,
    15231, Chalandri,
    Athens, Greece
    Website: http://www.kinaesthesis.eu/
    +30 210 6719147

    Social Media
    Instagram - @kinaesthesis_mind_body
    Facebook - @margarita.authentic.pilates/


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