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La Cima Pilates Innsbruck | Featured Studio Series

La Cima Pilates Innsbruck

October 2017 | Innsbruck, Austria


  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - La Cima Pilates
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - La Cima Pilates
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - La Cima Pilates
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - La Cima Pilates
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - La Cima Pilates
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - La Cima Pilates
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - La Cima Pilates



“Joseph Pilates has dedicated his life to developing his science of Contrology and own apparatus.
Gratz’s slogan, “He invented it. Gratz makes it.” is reason enough for us to use only Gratz apparatus, as it was properly built to be used with the Pilates method.”

La Cima Pilates Innsbruck




We are proud to feature our Classical Pilates studio, La Cima Pilates. Our studio is located in the center of Innsbruck, Austria, in the heart of the Alps. It has been our dream to teach the Classical Pilates method, to let people enjoy the movement and the experience how it changes their mind and body.

We like to see our studio as a meeting place of good energy. Our goal after every lesson is to have our client to leave happier than they walked in, like Joe always wished. We are working hard everyday to achieve our smallest goals, but I think that’s exactly the spirit of our small studio. It’s a place of happiness and encouragement. I like the idea that our clients are able to do some exercises they never imagined doing before just after a few classes. It’s breathtaking to watch our clients expand the capabilities of their mind and body. We enjoy being part of this process in every single student and they are also part of our own growing process. Every single student is teaching us so much about ourselves and for this we are very thankful.



Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - La Cima Pilates Innsbruck

Alejandro Llull Mora

Alejandro has 20 years of teaching experience. He started as a personal trainer and was teaching fitness courses until the Pilates method caught his attention. Knowing Alejandro, he has always been extremely suspicious when learning something new.

In his study of Pilates he could see changes in his own body. He knows how hard it can be to accept your own weak points and to strengthen them, so he became the perfect motivator for others. His passion for the work led to finding answers to his questions and to finding understanding in the fascinating work of Contrology.


Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - La Cima Pilates Innsbruck

Dr. Violetta Tanzmeister

Violetta studied human medicine at the Medical University of Innsbruck and has been working as a general practitioner in a traumatological clinic since then. When she started training in Pilates she immediately saw how this method could help people, specifically patients with trauma or chronic pain and the Pilates method gave her a new set of tools to help her work with these types of injuries she sees every day. As she studied Pilates further her passion for it awakened and became deeper as she practiced the formation with Sabina Formichella of True Pilates Italia.

Violetta puts a lot of energy to into her classes and keeps an eye on her client’s needs, especially when she is working with clients with knee injuries and she credits the Pilates method for helping her clients recover faster and regain their range of motion to relieve pain and connect them to the movement.



Our studio is equipped with Gratz apparatus in order to respect the Classical Pilates method. When we work with Gratz apparatus, we can see the changes in our client's’ bodies in just a few classes.






Bozner Platz 2, 1. Stock, 6020 Innsbruck

Phone: +43 676 81429948
Email: lacimapilates@yahoo.com
Website: www.lacimapilates.com


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