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Pilates Training Programs | Atlas Pilates Teacher Training

Atlas Pilates Teacher Training


Atlas Pilates Teacher Training



Location: Atlas Pilates, 2612 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA 98121

Phone:  (206) 283-2884

Website: www.atlaspilates.com



Learn to Teach Pilates!

Interested in a career as a professional Pilates instructor? Consider our comprehensive training program.

Lori Coleman-Brown has been training successful new instructors continuously for decades. She’s developed a comprehensive program carefully refined for individuals in small classes. Training takes about a year and involves practical training, classroom time and tutoring in our knowledge rich and supportive Seattle studio.

Our immersive program is designed to produce Classical Pilates instructors of the highest caliber, who know the work in their own bodies and are fully prepared to teach professionally.

There are four main elements of our traditional Pilates teacher training: Seminars, Practicum, Academics, and Testing. Material is presented logically and progressively, and students can expect to work at least 600 hours including 150 Hours of Pilates workouts. Annual admissions are selective and there are prerequisites and a physical assessment required.

Atlas Pilates is the Seattle home for world class independent classical Pilates education and teacher training.

Lori Coleman-Brown, Director of Education, produces a range of authoritative Classical Pilates educational offerings in order to advance the work of Joseph Pilates as it was taught to her by Romana Kryzanowska. Lori is our primary resource and advocate of the Pilates Method. She provides global educational outreach to other Pilates studios and the public.



Want all the details? Download PDFDownload the Atlas Pilates Teacher Training Program Catalog



Accommodations For Students With Disabilities

This school is licensed under Chapter 28C.10 RCW. Inquiries or complaints regarding this Private Vocational School may be made to Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board, 128 – 10th Avenue Southwest, Olympia, Washington 98504. Phone: 360-709-4600. www.wtb.wa.gov



About Lori Coleman-Brown

Lori Coleman-Brown is our Master Instructor and our Director of Education. A licensed Physical Therapist, she is focused on teaching Pilates lessons, as well as training, testing and mentoring new Pilates instructors. She’s responsible for Atlas Pilates educational program development and management.

In the early 1980’s Lori was sent to Joseph Pilates protegeé Romana Kryzanowska by a dance instructor in order to deal with a knee injury. The knee healed completely, and Lori became captivated by The Pilates Method. By 1986 she was teaching Pilates and in 1999 was honored when Romana asked her to be a Pilates Teacher Trainer.

In 1993, Lori moved to the Pacific Northwest to co-found The Pilates Studio of Seattle (now known as Pilates Seattle International) where she served as a Director for 16 years and successfully trained more than a hundred new Pilates instructors. Lori ultimately reached Master Teacher Trainer status (Level II) in the Romana’s Pilates organization.

Lori has a BFA in Dance from SUNY Purchase, and a Master’s degree in Physical Therapy from Temple University. She has worked as a professional dancer and as a staff physical therapist. She has worked as physical therapist for professional dance companies and backstage on Broadway shows in New York and Seattle.

Lori has been a presenter at Pilates Conferences around the world as well as American Physical Therapy Association Conventions. She tours and teaches Pilates and Anatomy in studios of all sizes in Austria, Australia, Canada, England, France, the Netherlands, Japan, Singapore, and across the United States. And she is regularly featured in Pilatesology instructional videos.

Lori stepped away from studio ownership in order to focus on her teaching and is now happily working at Atlas Pilates in Seattle. She learns something new every day while helping her clients get stronger, more flexible and happier by using the Pilates Method. She keeps up her own physical and mental conditioning by working with Yogi Eric Ovid, Pilates Instructor Teresa Shupe, and Shiatsu practitioner Yasuo Mori. She is grateful for all the wonderful teachers in the world.

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About Atlas Studio

Atlas Pilates is located on the ground floor of a high-rise in Seattle’s vibrant and densely populated Belltown neighborhood. Our calendar is filled with Pilates clients from all walks of life who work with our experienced staff instructors in our spacious purpose-built Pilates studio. We provide Private and Semi-Private Pilates Lessons, and popular Saturday morning Mat (Plus) classes. An independent physical therapy clinic on-site specializes in sports injury rehabilitation, and many patients progress into Pilates reconditioning.


We’re a destination frequented by local Pilates teachers seeking to work with our instructors, do fun Semi-Privates with their peers, and participate in our collaborative Instructors Workgroups. Professional Pilates instructors from around the world visit to participate in our Pilates educational programming, which includes three annual Pilates Systems Seminars and our popular CPE Weekend. The business maintains high standards, endeavors to provide great customer service, and strives to be a place where others discover the joy we find in this meaningful work.

Atlas Pilates

Gratz Featured Studio
January 2015



2018 - 2019 Pilates Events and Teacher Training Programs
Do you have an upcoming event, workshop or conference? Do you have a teacher training program or seminar?

We will post your scheduled programs and events on our event page and in our monthly newsletter.
Email info@gratzindustries.com for more information.

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