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Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP | Featured Studio Series

Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP

December 2016 | Moscow, Russia 


  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMPt
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP



"Gratz is simple and complex at the same time but any person who has ever worked with Gratz immediately falls in love with it. I can compare it with immense starry sky – when people come and lie down on the reformer for the first time, they not always understand what is going on and even get confused facing challenging tasks. In the meantime, some kind of magic happens and each time the trainer, like a magician, using Gratz as a magic wand, opens up principles of pilates. And practice makes you perfect."

Denis Sychev, Owner and Trainer
Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP




Denis Sychev opened Pilates PMP, a studio of personal training, in December 2015 in the very heart of Moscow. Pilates PMP combines innovational technologies and natural materials, yet retaining the authentic approach. The name of the studio reflects its philosophy: Practice Makes Perfect. The main purpose of the Studio is to put across to its clients the deep, subtle and at the same time accepting philosophy of pilates. Our mission is also to instill values of pilates, which will help to become aware of infinite possibilities of one’s body and mind.


Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP


The founder of the Studio, Denis Sychev, is a professional choreographer, certified trainer, Romana’s Pilates school’s graduate. “Pilates appeared in my life just out of the blue but at the right time”, Denis says. “The ballet background with vigorous exercises and intensive physical activity gifted me with loads of problems with both knees and low back, resulting in such severe pains that I could barely sleep. Today, I can freely admit that Pilates can positively change sensations in your body and the way you feel your body, filling your life with lightness, peace and ease”.

Denis is an expert in classic Pilates and a successful personal trainer, constantly practicing in the best studios in the USA, Spain, France and the Netherlands. Denis used to work in various fitness centers in Moscow. However, he believes it’s quite difficult to immerse in pilates in fitness or wellness clubs. To Denis, people go to the gym and do pilates as an extra activity. Thus, he came up with an idea to create his own space and fill it with his experience.




Pilates PMP is fully equipped with Gratz apparatus. Gratz equipment is exceptional, helping to evenly spread load on the body and reforming it rather than adjusting to it. At first, it might feel a bit uncomfortable but as soon as you get used to it, you start to feel and see improvements in your body.


A video posted by Pilates PMP (@pilatespmp) on

A video posted by Pilates PMP (@pilatespmp) on





Practice Makes Perfect (PMP Pilates)
Москва, ул. Фадеева, дом 4а
«Итальянский квартал»

Phone: +7 (495) 797-94-27
Email: hello@pilates-pmp.com
Website: pilates-pmp.com

Follow Them On Social Media
Facebook/pilates-pmp | Instagram/pilatespmp



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