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The Pilates Workshop | Featured Studio Series

The Pilates Workshop

March 2017 | San Francisco, CA


  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Pilates Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Pilates Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Pilates Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Pilates Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Pilates Workshop



“The Pilates Workshop is filled to the brim with Gratz equipment. We have found that the quality of this wonderful equipment enhances our teaching
and speaks directly to the body, reducing the need for fidgeting, props, and modifications.”

The Pilates Workshop




The Pilates Workshop was opened by Erika Groff in 2011 and has grown to become the largest classical Pilates studio in San Francisco. Their spacious and sunny studio offers more than forty group apparatus and mat classes to the local community as well as to teachers from all over the Bay Area. Local teachers come both to further their personal practices and deepen their teaching skills. Erika Groff and Susanne Staehr are both Licensed Teacher Trainers who offer The Pilates Center Teacher Training Program at The Pilates Workshop. Through the teacher training program, eight weekly advanced level classes, and regular continuing education workshops, The Pilates Workshop has built a warm and welcoming teacher community which includes many teachers from outside our own studio and training. We are very pleased to be a gathering place for anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of the method and build health from the inside out!


Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Pilates Workshop



Erika Linton Groff has been practicing Pilates for over twenty years and was trained by Amy Taylor Alpers and Rachel Taylor Segel to teach the classical method of Pilates in 2002. She went on to teach with her teachers at The Pilates Center in Boulder, CO and teach in classical studios around the world, finally relocating to San Francisco to marry her husband and start their family. Erika graduated from The Pilates Center’s Masters Program in 2007. And she was privileged to be chosen by Amy and Rachel as one of their first Licensed Teacher Trainers in 2008. Erika is deeply fulfilled by both teaching and learning from the teacher community of San Francisco through offering the teacher training and the other continuing education workshops she’s created. Pre and postnatal Pilates are a particular focus in her continuing ed offerings.



  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Pilates Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Pilates Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Pilates Workshop





Susanne Staehr, Aura Fischbeck, Katie Bowes, Lisa Owens, Mollie Rose, Nicole Lancie, Julia Carcich, Meredith Hanrahan, and Miriam Damon have all graduated from The Pilates Center Teacher Training Program and each offers their own unique strengths and gifts to their classes and private clients. Every teacher in the studio maintains a 3-4x/week practice and gratefully embodies the fruits of the method. Far and away, the deepest strength of The Pilates Workshop is the strength of its teachers--they are simply the best!


  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Pilates Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Pilates Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Pilates Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Pilates Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Pilates Workshop



The Pilates Workshop is filled to the brim with Gratz equipment. We have found that the quality of this wonderful equipment enhances our teaching and speaks directly to the body, reducing the need for fidgeting, props, and modifications. Gratz legendary springs strengthen our students quickly and efficiently, without fail!


Gratz Pilates - The Pilates Workshop - Featured Studio Video





2600 Judah Street
San Francisco, CA 94122

Phone: (415) 682-4739
Email: info@thepilatesworkshopsf.com
Website: www.thepilatesworkshopsf.com

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