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True Pilates Virginia Beach | Featured Studio Series

True Pilates Virginia Beach

November 2018 | Virginia Beach, Virginia


  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach


"We have used the same Gratz equipment for 20+ years because of the high quality of materials and workmanship they use.
It's the only equipment we use to train apprentices, clients, and ourselves. Hands down the best equipment you want to have in your studio for a lifetime."

True Pilates Virginia Beach



The Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach is a Romana's Pilates certified studio, conveniently located near the Hilltop area of Virginia Beach! We offer the highest quality of instruction. In addition, our studio is the only certification center in Virginia offering Romana's Pilates training.



We like to work hard and create customized workout programs for clients because we know everyone can enjoy the benefits of Pilates in a safe and effective environment! We also like to have fun which is evident by the presence of our adorable studio pups, Vixen, Clover, and Switchback!


  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach





Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach

Brenna Hosang


Brenna's first experience with Pilates was during her last semester at Old Dominion University where she graduated with honors with a degree in Finance and Economics. After doing Pilates for only nine months, Brenna felt a "calling to the work" and moved to New York City to complete the Romana's Pilates Certification Program under the instruction of Romana Kryzanowska and her daughter, Sari Mejia Santo. In just 3 months she finished the program and a year later opened Core Control Pilates in June of 2004. Brenna has recently joined forces with fellow owner/instructor Mary Delk to open True Pilates Virginia Beach. Brenna has advanced her education by attending seminars and continuing education workshops, and taking sessions from upper leveled instructors nationwide. She became a Level 4 instructor in 2006 and a Level 3 instructor in 2008.

Since 2006, Brenna has helped train several instructors through their apprenticeship with Romana's Pilates including Mary, Jana, Doe, and other local instructors. She loves working with clients of all ages and fitness levels as well as apprentices and fellow instructors. Brenna is currently the only Level 3 instructor in Virginia. She currently enjoys the many benefits of Pilates while training for IronMan Triathlons and ultra distance cycling events.



Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach

Mary Delk


After completing several half and full marathons in her 20s, Mary realized that she needed to strengthen the muscles in her core. In 2001, she began Pilates and found it to be the perfect complement to her running. After spending six years as a Pilates student, Mary knew that teaching was her next logical step. She began her certification program in 2007.

Mary completed her apprenticeship at Core Control Pilates in Virginia Beach under the direction of Brenna Hosang. In 2011, Mary opened her own studio, Shark Pilates, and three years later (September 2014), Mary and Brenna merged their studios and opened True Pilates Virginia Beach, the region’s only full-service Pilates studio. Mary is a Level 5+ instructor and is working on her Level 4 certification by attending seminars, continuing education training and taking multiple sessions each year with upper-level instructors.Mary maintains her fitness through Pilates, which helps her stay fit for Ironman triathlon training and adventure / ultra-distance races. She loves to inspire her clients and help them to achieve their personal and fitness goals.



Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach

Doe Durkee

Doe retired from a teaching career after thirty-seven years. Not content with "retired life" she has decided to work for a Pilates teaching certificate. Doe became a Pilates client thirteen years ago after a back injury made daily movement a challenge. It helped her gain muscle strength, balance, and control which greatly improved her quality of life.

Doe is looking forward to sharing this knowledge with others after having first hand experience in how Pilates can help the body . She is very grateful to have found Pilates after experiencing the benefits of it.



Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - True Pilates Virginia Beach

Ashley Guin

Ashley discovered Pilates after finishing her collegiate Track & Field career in 2010. She was in the market for a new form of strength training to replace the weight lifting routine she had been accustomed to, and quickly fell in love with Pilates after her first class. After practicing as a student for a few years, she realized she was destined to become an instructor and trained under PMA Master Trainer Adriana Vargas in San Diego, California.

Ashley is fully certified on all apparatuses - Reformer, Chair, Cadillac, & Ladder Barrel, as well as mat. Ashley takes more of an athletic approach to the Pilates method and loves to create fun, new ways to challenge her clients. She has extensive experience with special populations that include pre/post natal, spinal & joint conditions, injury recovery, etc. Her favorite part of teaching Pilates is having the amazing opportunity of changing her clients' lives for the better on a daily basis.






We have used the same Gratz equipment for 20+ years because of the high quality of materials and workmanship they use. It's the only equipment we use to train apprentices, clients, and ourselves. Hands down the best equipment you want to have in your studio for a lifetime.






317 Village Road, Suite 101, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454

Email: brenna2@ix.netcom.com
Website: truepilatesvb.com

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