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Pilates Pro Maintenance coming to South Korea

August 4th - August 30th, 2024

Pilates Pro Maintenance is finally coming to South Korea!

Customers who wish to receive services for their Gratz apparatus from a Pilates professional should schedule an appointment in August. Our Pilates pros look forward to ensuring your equipment is safe and providing you with the best service.

Email: service@pilatespromaintenance.com
Phone: 914-570-4491 
WEBSITE: https://www.pilatespromaintenance.com/


그라츠 공식 업체인 필라테스 프로가 드디어 8월 4일부터 8월 30일 까지 한국을 방문할 예정입니다.
저희 필라테스 프로는 귀하의 필라테스 기구를 안전하고 최고의 서비스를 제공할 수 있기를 기대합니다.
필라테스 프로의 서비스를 원하시는 고객께서는 아래의 연락처로 문의 주시기 바랍니다.
이메일 주소 : service@pilatespromaintenance.com 연락처: 914-570-4491 
인스타: @PilatesProMaintenance


About Tee Encarnacion
is a maintenance engineer, overseeing real-estate properties and staff. Raised in the Bronx, Teofilo picked up his technical skills in several fields of work while working at his family's auto shop.  He is very familiar with the mechanics of how each part works together to perform its important function. Over the past several years, Teofilo has been working in property management. He has become a jack of all trades, having experience in painting, carpentry, construction, electrical etc. He is also a comprehensive Pilates instructor from Real Pilates.