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I had a membership at a health club, and by accident, I had my first contact with Pilates in a Matwork group class. Being the youngest in the room, I felt the oldest from the first exercise, the famous Hundred.The benefits of the method were very obvious from the first experience.They felt so good that I became a regular client. A couple of yearslater, the opportunity to assist in a Pilates workshop came, and mycuriosity to know more about this amazing method embarked me on thisnever-ending journey of learning about the human body and at the sametime, improving my physical condition. It was never in my plans tobecome a Pilates Teacher, but here I am, continuing the dream of JosephPilates by demonstrating and proving to the entire population that thebenefits speak for themselves.
You just have to believe in the method and not change Joseph’s work. The acquisition of physical and mental well-being is a priceless asset.
Passing through different teachers from different schools, including Romana’s lineage and Vintage Pilates, the experience that impacted me the most was with Jay Grimes and the Vintage Pilates crew. The seed of how to work independently, finding my own voice, and trusting in the work led me to integrity and precision when I am teaching and guiding my clients and students. One of the phrases that I will always keep from Jay Grimes is, "You cannot teach Pilates." We have to guide our clients to find Pilates in their bodies and keep the hopes that one day they will. Jay used to say to me in my classes with him, "There is hope". So, why not give hope to our clients?
Regarding our students, to ensure that they are well-prepared for the job market, we emphasize the importance of practice to achieve precision. It's crucial for them to experience the exercises in their own bodies to effectively teach and guide their clients. The more they practice, the deeper their understanding of the method will become. It takes time, consistency, and persistence, but it's worth it.
"We always say to our students, "The best equipment is the best teacher“"
*Naomi Corti, member of New York City Ballet’s corps de ballet